
Roger Yeo


Roger Yeo seeks to train geeks into disciple-makers. He pioneered NavTech, an arm of The Navigators Singapore melding disciple-making and technology.  For over 20 years, Roger has been mentoring youths and casting the vision of disciple-making.

Currently, he serves in the National Executive Team and oversees everything tech with The Navigators Singapore. On the side, he founded the GeeksHacking community, organizing hackathons and workshops, contributing to the tech community. He is a father of three and spends too much time on his phone.


Sam Lim


Sam Lim is the Regional Facilitator for OMF in the Mekong region, giving oversight to teams serving in North Thailand. He is pastoring a simple church movement called ‘The Living Room’ amongst Northern Thais and is also running a collaborative hub that catalyzes faith-driven Thai startups and entrepreneurs.


Bryan Long

Testing Ground

Bryan Long is the founder of Testing Ground, a venture and people builder that helps companies, startups and individuals compete in new categories and make new money. He is also a platform designer and keen to help startups unlock hidden resources through platforms.


Wayne Chia

TBNA / Sentient

Wayne is passionate about both technology and social impact. He is currently the Product Director of Sentient.io, an AI start-up, and serving as the Social Enterprise Training Hub lead for TBN Asia.  He first found his calling for innovation for social impact at Asia P3 Hub (previously part of World Vision International).

Prior to that, he was the co-founder of Techsailor, a digital company specialising in social, mobile and location-based (SoLoMo) solutions, he helped to run and grow the business until it was acquired by TO THE NEW Digital.


Clifford Chew


Clifford Chew is the Co-founder and Director of Strategy for heritance. He is an accomplished technopreneur, with decades of experience in technology and financial engineering. He holds multiple credentials from NUS, Harvard Business School, and MIT. He’s currently pursuing his Doctorate with Aston Business School.

On the personal front, Clifford is a loving and involved father with four children. His passion is to help families achieve their financial goals through passing on values beyond valuables.